Affiliate Information

You’ve reached this page because you saw a disclosure on my website, social media, and/or my newsletter. The disclosure mentioned that I am an affiliate or associate, and now you’re wondering what that means.

Here’s the quick and dirty on being an Amazon Affiliate and what this means.

What Is An Affiliate?

If you make a purchase using one of the links on my website, the retailer credits me. I get a commission of between 1-5% in return. This is no kingmaker, but the extra income does help me keep doing what I love most: creating sexy-as-hell badass book boyfriends for you!

Will I Pay More?

Some people are afraid to click on links they find on the web. They think they’ll pay more for the item if they do this. But this is an urban legend.

As an affiliate, I don’t control the price of an item. All I do is link to the store. This means I have no control over whether Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, or any other retailer has a deal going.

That said, I can still recommend things I LOVE to you, and if you end up loving them, too, it’s a win-win.

Why Are You An Affiliate?

As a writer, my income varies based on how many books I sell on release day and how many downloads I get per month.

I don’t have a set salary, so I practice creating multiple streams of income. This is why I sell my books on many retailers, including Amazon, B & N, Apple Books, and why I use affiliate links.

These small income streams add up, allowing me to write full-time without stressing over financials.

I hope I’ve answered all of your questions clearly. I want you to be able to click on my links with full confidence, understanding exactly what it means when I tell you I’m an affiliate. Still have questions? Contact me now.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s get onto the fun stuff! Check out my books for your next steamy read featuring an alpha male who falls for a curvy woman. Here are my latest ones